Islamic Laws on fasting: Laws of things that invalidate a fast

by Tauqeer Abbas

Shafaqna Pakistan: Islamic Laws on fasting according to the Fatwas of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani.

Laws of things that invalidate a fast

Ruling 1623: If a person intentionally and voluntarily does something that invalidates a fast, his fast becomes invalid; and in the event that he does not do it intentionally, there is no problem [and his fast remains valid]. However, if a junub goes to sleep and – as per the details mentioned in Ruling 1600 – he does not perform ghusl until the time of subh prayers, his fast is invalid. Furthermore, in the event that one does not know that some of the things mentioned previously invalidate a fast, and he has not been negligent in not knowing, and nor does he doubt [that a particular thing may invalidate his fast], or he trusts in something that is legally authoritative (al-hujjah al-sharʿiyyah) [for example, the statement of a reliable person], and he does that thing, in such a case, his fast does not become invalid except in the case of eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse.

Fasting, Ramadan, Fatwas of Ayatollah Sistani, Shia Graph


Le jeûne : Règles relatives aux actes qui invalident le jeûne

Article 571: Si quelqu’un commet intentionnellement et volontairement un acte qui invalide le jeûne, son jeûne est invalide. Mais s’il ne le fait pas intentionnellement, son jeûne demeure valable. Toutefois, si une personne en état de janâbah dort sans effectuer jusqu’à l’heure de la Prière de l’Aube, le ghusl requis à cet effet (cf Article 561), son jeûne sera invalide. De même, si une personne commet un acte qui invalide le jeûne, soit parce qu’elle ignore totalement que son acte est de nature à invalider le jeûne, soit parce qu’elle a agi conformément aux indications d’une autorité qu’elle croyait être compétente, son jeûne ne sera pas valide, sauf dans le cas où elle aurait mangé, bu ou commis l’acte sexuel.

Fasting, Ramadan, Fatwas of Ayatollah Sistani, Shia Graph

Source: Shafaqna English

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